Prodigy Game – Online Maths

Prodigy, this genius maths website is quite possibly my #1 discovery of the year in terms of teaching resources.

The crux of the game is that the children are encouraged to partake in quests, battle enemies and collect pets. And to do so, they have to answer targetted maths questions.

When teachers sign up on the login page, they are presented with a very easy to use website layout which walks you through uploading class details, setting usernames, as well as access to data once your class have accessed the site.

Once all ready to go, you can set your class challenges based off of the current unit of maths that you are working on, and track their skill level. All using the English standards, and curriculum.

I have gone from the only teacher in the school to be using this, to almost all of the classes using it. My class actively want to spend their time playing on Prodigy, during golden time / Friday Fun time. I have found it has aided the children to boost their mastery of skills that they have learnt and all presented in a very fun and interactive game, with a similar style to the early Pokémon and Zelda games. It has also helped to change many children’s perspectives on maths not being fun, or interesting.

Try Prodigy in your class and let me know what you / they think here or over on Twitter at @mrbgraham85.